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Frequently Asked Questions

What does So stand for?
We've gotten a few questions about how SoChurch got its name. Could SO stand for South Orlando? Yep. Could it work for South Orange? Sure could. Is it fun to add "so" to anything and make it sound SO cool? We think so! But, that's not where it came from.

In response to our "why here, God?" and our "why now?" this verse came to mind: A thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come SO that they may have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10).

We feel like SoChurch is here to bring life. To bring hope, joy, fulfillment and so much more to both the community we live in and to the individual people that will someday call church home. Maybe you'll call this home too - that would be SO amazing!

How can you be a church without a building?
The wonderful thing is that a church is the people - not a place! We meet in homes in the area for SoCommunities (where we eat together, share our ups and downs, discuss life and just enjoy time with our neighbors!) and we meet at Bay Meadows Elementary for our Sunday services. We pray to someday have a great building of our own, but we always plan on being a church that is more about the people in our community and the ministry that happens outside of the walls of that building than staying busy doing things inside that building.

Are you controlled by another church somewhere?
We have several churches that have helped us and continue to provide us support, but they have been gracious enough to do so without strings attached. We have also been vetted by Send Network and NAMB. We voluntarily partner with NAMB, Send Relief, and the International Mission Board for local, national, and international missions. To say it simply, SoChurch is an autonomous church.

Can I join or be a member?
SoChurch isn't a country club. Anyone can attend our services, groups, and events - but the next step is serving and we want to make sure that those serving are trained and excited about who SoChurch is and where we are headed. If you'd like to formally be a part of SoChurch, then becoming a part of a SoTeam (Kids, Hospitality, SoCommunities, Worship, etc.) is the way to do so. Everyone who serves on a SoTeam goes through an initial training that also includes time learning about the vision and beliefs of SoChurch.

So what do you believe about....?

The most important thing for us at SoChurch is to love our community and to show others how to have life in an abundance of joy and fulfillment through Christ. This doesn't mean we all believe the same things about politics, music, or which sports team is best. We believe that you can have unity without uniformity but there are some core beliefs that we hold to. These core beliefs are what help hold us together as one body and keep us moving without so many distractions. These core beliefs are based on the Bible. SoChurch accepts the Bible as the revealed will of God, the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice, and for the purpose of maintaining general unity of statements of faith.

The Bible
We love a good stat, motivational quote, or new learning but at the end of the day SoChurch is a church that relies on the Bible. The Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, are the inspired, infallible revelation of God to mankind and the authority of faith and conduct. In other words, we believe the Bible is true and this is what we rely on for teaching and direction.

Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Bible describes His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death and resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of God the Father. We don't believe Jesus was just a prophet or a good man. He made it very clear that he claimed to be God so He is either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. We believe He is Lord.

Our only hope is through Jesus Christ. Salvation is by faith through grace and demonstrated in turning away from our sin and living like Jesus. We believe in a real heaven and that the way to heaven is only through Jesus - not through anything we can earn or through faith in anything or anyone else.

Ordinances (really important things Jesus tells us to do) of the Church
(a) Water Baptism. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and by full immersion after salvation.
(b) Communion. A time of remembering Jesus called The Lords Supper represented in juice/wine and bread.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Through the Holy Spirit, God gifts every believer with spiritual abilities/talents, which are given to every believer at salvation to enable them to perform a function effectively within the church, the Body of Christ. (John 14:16-19; 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 8:9, 11; Titus 3:5; Eph. 4:11-16. We believe that it's only possible to live like a Christian and work together as a church because of the Holy Spirit who helps us.

It's a pretty hefty word that describes the act of separation from that which is evil and dedication to God. Ultimately, our lives should look more and more like what God has designed and less like what our desires would lead us to.

The Church's Mission
The church is the representative of Jesus on earth and is to do what we call the Great Commission. We're not trying to force anyone to do anything, but we do believe it's our responsibility to lovingly tell others about Jesus and give people an opportunity to respond to Him. We want to do this in our community, our country, and the world.

We believe that God does miracles. The greatest of these is paying for and the forgiveness of our sins. We aren't chasing miracles, but we believe in a miraculous God. We aren't chasing signs, but we believe that God sometimes uses wonders to help bring others to Him and to show His glory.

At the End
There will be a final judgment at which all people will be judged. This doesn't mean that we think we're better than others and we will be judged well. This means that we know we've got no chance of meeting God's standard without the complete forgiveness of our sins that is offered through Jesus Christ.

We believe marriage is defined in the Bible as a covenant, a sacred bond between one man and one woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God. We don't mean this as an exclusive statement to keep anyone from attending and it isn't a specific topic that we talk about every week, but we do believe it and we don't want to mislead anyone who might be looking for an affirming church.

We want to be a church that exists SO the people around us may have life.